The most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way:

They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence”

Daniel Goleman, Author of Emotional Intelligence

Some of the Research on EQ

  • EQ is more important that IQ

  • 71% of hiring managers place greater emphasis on EQ vs. IQ

  • 59% of employers would not hire someone with a high IQ, but low EQ

  • People with higher EQ tend to earn more $$$

  • For leadership positions, EQ accounts for nearly 80% of job performance

  • 90% of high performers are high in EQ as compared to 20% of low performers

Emotional Intelligence (EQ) Workshop

Using EQ 2.0, by Talentsmart, we discuss, define, and measure Emotional Intelligence. We explore the four quadrants:

1.     Self-Awareness

2.     Self-Management

3.     Empathy

4.     Relationship Management

Four Quadrants of EQ


EQ Workshop Logistics

  • Half-Day

  • On-site or Virtual

  • Interactive

  • Relevant

  • Fun, Inspiring, Creative