MBTI® Workshops
MBTI® Workshop for Leaders
My philosophy is that we are all leaders. Because leadership is about influence. It’s not about having direct reports. This workshop can be targeted to managers / leaders / talent at any level in the organization. It can be tailored towards MBTI®-knowledgeable leaders, or those new to the assessment.
We review the history, rationale, theory, and dichotomies. The workshop includes many examples, much interaction, fun, and importantly - how to apply the knowledge.
Online Access to the MBTI® Assessment is pre-workshop
The custom report will depend on client needs. Some choices include focus on: Communication, Conflict, Leadership, Stress.
MBTI® Workshop for Anyone interested in increasing self-awareness and competence in:
Career Clarity / Transition
Conflict Mangement
Managing Stress
MBTI® Workshop for College Students and Grads
College Students:
Deciding on a major and career plan at age 18 can be challenging. The MBTI® won’t tell you what to choose, but it definitely can bring clarity! This is best suited for high-school seniors through college juniors.Online Access to the MBTI® Assessment & Custom College report
College Grads:
If you’re not sure where to start the job hunt after college, MBTI® can help bring clarity about career fields to enter. This is best suited for soon-to-be or recent college grads. So, Juniors, Seniors, Grad students or someone recently out of college and still wondering about career choices.Online Access to the MBTI® Assessment
Custom Career report
Interview Tips
Real-world Discussion